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Helping You Promote Your Business and Find Cost Savings!

As a member of the Grande Prairie & District Chamber of Commerce, you have access to a variety of Chamber events and promotional opportunities. We also provide Value-Added Programs through local member businesses and partners as well as the Alberta Chambers of Commerce and Canadian Chamber of Commerce to help your business by securing discounts on some of the products and services you need. For more details on the programs that interest you, or to potentially offer such a program yourself, contact our office at 780-532-5340 or email

Grande Prairie & District Chamber of Commerce

Alberta Chambers of Commerce

Value-Added Benefits

Updated regularly, programs designed for businesses who are members of their local Chamber of Commerce.


Canadian Chamber of Commerce

Programs & Services

Business Services That Give You the Advantage: Whether you need to reduce expenses, connect with other businesses or access the services needed to break into new markets, being a member of the Canadian Chamber keeps you a step ahead.

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